Welcome to the Identity & Access Management lab series at Agility 2018.
The following labs and exercises will instruct you on how to configure and troubleshoot federation use cases based on the experience of field engineers, support engineers and clients. This guide is intended to complement lecture material provided during the course as well as a reference guide that can be referred to after the class as a basis for configuring federation relationships in your own environment.
The content contained here leverages a full DevOps CI/CD pipeline and is sourced from the GitHub repository at https://github.com/f5devcentral/f5-agility-labs-iam. Bugs and Requests for enhancements can be made by opening an Issue within the repository.
- Class 1: SAML Federation with F5
- Class 2: OAuth Federation with F5
- Class 3: SWG - Securing Outbound Internet Access
- Lab Environment
- Lab 1: SWG iApp – Explicit Proxy for HTTP and HTTPS
- Lab 2: URL Category-based Decryption Bypass
- Lab 3: Explicit Proxy Authentication – NTLM
- Lab 4: SWG Reporting with BIG-IQ
- Lab 5: SWG iApp - Transparent Proxy for HTTP and HTTPS
- Lab 6: Captive Portal Authentication
- Lab 7: SSL Visibility for DLP (ICAP)
- Conclusion
- Class 4: SAML Identity Provider (IdP) Lab
- Class 5: AD FS Proxy Lab
- Class 6: Federating Common Services
- Class 7: Introduction to Universal Access
- Class 8: Troubleshooting Universal Access
- Class 9: Multi-Factor Auth for Cloud Applications
- Class 10: Privileged User Access