Lab 1.2: Create an External SP Connector

digraph breadcrumb { rankdir="LR" ranksep=.4 node [fontsize=10,style="rounded,filled",shape=box,color=gray72,margin="0.05,0.05",height=0.1] fontsize = 10 labeljust="l" subgraph cluster_provider { style = "rounded,filled" color = lightgrey height = .75 label = "BIG-IP APM" idp [label="IDP",color="palegreen"] spconnector [label="SP Connector",color="steelblue1"] bind [label="Bind Connectors"] resource [label="SAML Resource"] webtop [label="Webtop"] profile [label="Access Profile"] vs [label="VS"] test [label="Test"] idp -> spconnector -> bind -> resource -> webtop -> profile -> vs -> test } }

Now that we have the Identity Provider configured, we need to configure the BIG-IP so it is aware of the Service Provider (the SaaS application). We do this by defining an External SP Connector using the metadata provided by the SaaS application, importing it into the BIG-IP, and setting the appropriate cryptographic controls.

Task 1 - Obtain the SAML Service Provider Metadata

In a common deployment the metadata is provided by the application. This lab is no different, but the access method will vary. Follow the listed steps below to obtain the necessary XML file.

  1. Open a browser and nagivate to
  2. Save the file as

Task 2 - Create an External SP Connector

In this task we will create the External SP Connector object.

  1. Navigate to Access ‣ Federation ‣ SAML Identity Provider ‣ External SP Connector

  2. Click on the triangle on the right side of the Create button and select From Metadata


  3. Enter the following information:

    Property Value
    Select File
    Service Provider Name


  4. Click the OK button

Task 3 - Modify the SP Connector Settings

Finally, for security purposes, we’ll configure the External SP Connector object to require that resposes are cryptographically signed. This prevents an attacker from manipulating the response and potentially gaining unauthorized access.

  1. Click the checkbox next to and click the Edit button

  2. Modify the following Security Settings:

    Property Value
    Response must be signed checked


  3. Click the OK button.